Digitizing sales challenges in banking and insurance.

Digitizing a sales challenge boosts sales productivity by almost 15%. This is what we see with our customers in the Banking, Insurance and Mutual Insurance sectors: this corresponds to one additional contract sale per advisor every two days. In addition to these business results, the very high satisfaction rate among advisors is particularly interesting in a context of high turnover* and stress* among employees in the sector.
Sales performance managers didn't wait for digitalization to create sales challenges between salespeople. Competition and reward have long been a way of boosting results and achieving objectives.
15% extra productivity by digitizing a sales challenge.
However, the contribution of a digital platform dedicated to sales challenges has breathed new life into this practice, with clear results:
- between 14% and 16% productivity gains, depending on the contract category
- 100% of managers and 92% of advisors satisfied
Of course, the material rewards are identical for both schemes. The only difference lies in the way the sales challenge is run.
In this article, we explore how digitization achieves these results, and it boils down to two points:
- more desire to check your performance
- more willingness to take action to improve
Motivating your teams is an important factor in boosting your productivity by 15%. Follow these 5 steps to get there.
Exciting target tracking as part of sales challenges
Checking results becomes exciting with sales challenges. Team managers report that during the challenge, the platform was permanently open on the advisors' workstations. On average, it was consulted more than 5 times a day. The platform thus becomes a real dashboard dedicated to performance management, with the added fun dimension of sales challenges.
This adoption can be explained by various factors specific to the digitization of sales challenges:
- In real time: engaging employees in sales challenges requires sufficiently frequent updates of performance data. As a sales person, if the challenge lasts 3 weeks and I have access to my results on a weekly basis, that's not enough to create commitment. A weekly frequency is better suited to a long-term commitment, for example over a year. In this context, a real-time update is much more effective: it encourages advisors to log on several times a day, mechanically creating more expectation around the challenge.
- Team spirit: the platform creates a collective buzz, as sales challenge performance data can be consulted more easily. For the advisor, it's a way of benchmarking against other advisors and teams.
- Closer monitoring of performance: digitizing the challenge makes it easier to monitor results by product. For example, it allows you to measure yourself against others in the sale of car or home contracts. If I'm not good on car contracts, I make up for it on home contracts.
Result: the digital challenge not only boosts business performance; it's also a source of pleasure and motivation. "You can't take it away", says a sales manager in the banking and insurance sector, thanks to sales challenges.
Automated sales challenges as an animation catalyst
The success of a challenge depends on more than just reward and competition. To be effective, it needs to be animated, and this is where the digitization of sales challenges excels.
Management focused on leading and coaching sales challenges
Thanks to digitalization, managers can concentrate on their core tasks: leading and coaching sales challenges. From the very start of the challenge, they provide coaching to their teams and don't have to worry about logistical tasks such as sending out results files. All hierarchical levels in the company communicate via the news feed. (Key figure: 100% of managers recommend)
Automate animation to keep the challenge alive!
The power of digital technology is also to assist managers in their work of animating sales challenges through automation. Challenge notifications, rankings, badges, weekly summary e-mails... the digital challenge is always dynamic! Here are 5 good reasons to digitize your sales challenges.
Conclusion: The impact of digitalization on sales challenges
Digitizing sales challenges boosts performance thanks to two critical advantages: greater availability of information and much more dynamic animation. But that's just the beginning, because animation goes even further!
Here are a few ways to boost your sales and achieve your objectives, even outside the sales challenge period:
- Vary the levers of motivation: rather than using gifts and competition exclusively, why not activate other options such as cooperation or surpassing oneself.
- Animate outside challenge periods: between sales challenges to energize and achieve objectives even outside challenge periods.
Are you ready to dive into the digital revolution of sales challenges? It's time to take action and watch your results soar! 🚀