No more long and complex challenges to organize!

With Objow, you can create and distribute
personalized challenges in 2 minutes
top Chrono!

An overview of the players' positions in an Objow sales challenge.An example of a challenge list from the Objow application in Lyon on Iphone.The vignette of an Objow sales challenge.
Simply select the KPI's you want to measure
Opt for automated and error-free tracking
Maximize your team's buy-in
An overview of Objow's sales challenges.

Digitalize and modernize
your incentives

Because mobility is becoming a strategic axis for companies, your participants can access the solution from any support (PC, tablet or mobile).

Challenge us
Challenge Ogranization with Fire Tiger

Organize challenges
without limits

With Objow, you can motivate your teams with a variety of challenges, organized for the whole company or directly by your managers!

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Numerous applications can be integrated with Objow.

Automatic and customized integration of your KPI's

Easily integrate your different data sources (ERP, CRM, BI, business tools...). Select the KPI's you want to incentiate and prioritize them according to their importance.

Discover our integrations
Gamification in Fire Tiger

The power of Gamification for performance

Multi-criteria rankings, points, levels, badges, profiles, animations... Find all the levers of gamification in a modern and professional interface!

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Reward management in Fire Tiger

Finally, a reward system to suit all tastes!

Thanks to their performance, your employees earn points that they can then convert into rewards in a fully customizable marketplace (gift cards, team restaurants, donations to associations, etc.).

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Discover our other features

With Objow, effectively manage, animate and reward the performance of your teams.

Cross popin closureThe 2024 commercial challenge guide