[REPLAY] Fire Tiger x Watcha: Hybrid Teams & Engagement

How can we create the right conditions for commitment and performance?

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Telework & Engagement
Firetiger watcha webinar

Will there be an after covid similar to the before?

The return to the office does not seem ready to impose itself since according to a study carried out by Deskeo, 62% of the French would like to generalize telecommuting and 81% of them think that it is a basic trend which will intensify in the future.

According to an IDC study conducted in September 2020, more than 2/3 of companies do not declare themselves ready for this new work organization.

It is therefore necessary to rethink the entire employee experience: onboarding, training, employee follow-up, coaching, meetings, seminars, sales challenges, etc. Redefining the company's culture, communicating its vision and mission by relying on new technologies and new organizational models is a real opportunity for companies: modern management, low/no code, automation, artificial intelligence, collaborative tools, etc. These are all evolutions that IT departments and business lines can rely on in order to transform management, strengthen employee autonomy and guarantee their skills development.

There is no doubt that the positive transformation of organizations will be achieved through the implementation of a workplace that promotes efficiency.