Ines CRM : Feedback

The goal in the service of the team
July 11, 2024

Find a different way to engage sales teams

INES CRM has been a French publisher and integrator for 20 years. It offers a collaborative, open and mobile SaaS platform for business development and the customer journey. INES CRM teams support BtoB companies and ensure the sustainability of their digital transition.

As Sales Director, Thomas Bierry is primarily responsible for the sales strategy and the course to be followed to achieve the objectives set by the group. On a daily basis, he steers, leads and supports the activities of his employees with the aim of helping them to perform well and to improve their skills.

It is essential to give visibility to sales people on the objectives set and on their progress.

"Before implementing Objow, I had a global view of the business, but I was having trouble keeping track of all the performance indicators (individual and collective / quantitative and qualitative) for my teams.

Although the business population is made up of independent and autonomous people, I also felt it was essential to give them a very clear vision of the goals to be reached each month as well as their daily progress.

At the same time, we were planning toencourage and challenge our teams a little more. In the past, we had tried to set up occasional challenges that we ran via email communications. This approach seemed to me to be essential for the dynamism of the activity, but it did not always provoke the emulation and the expected results.

As we are software publishers, it seemed logical to me to turn to a publisher specialized in performance management and animation to meet these challenges.

Motivation and federation of teams

"Our primary goal was to challenge and motivate our teams throughpersonalized objectives adapted to each person's role.

Part of our sales team is made up of people who work remotely, and we wanted to use this solution to reduce the isolation and silos inherent in this type of organization. By creating interactions through Objow, we ensure that every employee feels part of the team.

Personalize the motivational levers to put the individual objective to the benefit of the team, federate our teams around the global company project so that everyone advances towards a common goal.

By coupling Objow with INES CRM we have really optimized the functionalities of each solution. This enables us to manage our sales policy in our CRM, and to manage, animate and track employee performance in Objow. Data is connected in real time via our APIs, making the experience even more dynamic.

Implementation was quick and easy, thanks to the support provided by the Objow team. As experts in defining objectives and gamification, they were able to help us refine our indicators and implement the most relevant animation levers for our business.

Now, they support us on a daily basis to evolve our best practices to be more efficient in the way we engage our sales people."

Indicators and team adoption

"To date, we have integrated strategic indicators into our activity monitoring, i.e. lead generation, sales opportunity management andsocial network activity management. For the future, we're thinking about integrating quality indicators such as churn rate or customer satisfaction, and Objow is working with us in this direction.

The tool was adopted very quickly by the teams who use it on a daily basis. Naturally, they consult their indicators and this has created a real emulation within the teams who like to challenge themselves.

Innovative, unifying and fun

The launch meeting with the teams allowed for adoption from the first day of use. We took the time to explain the benefits of goal-based management and gamification, a concept they quickly embraced.

The next step is toextend the solution to other departments in the company, including customer service and thedelivery team. In my opinion, the tool is not exclusively for sales departments, it can be used throughout the company.

We also want Objow to become a strategic partner, and are looking forward to working more closely together in the weeks and months ahead.

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